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Hours and Information

Arleth School Times
Regular Time Schedule:
9:05 am - 3:20 pm
Early Dismissal:
9:05 am - 1:35 pm
Delayed Opening:
10:35 am - 3:20 pm 


Arleth Announcements

Arleth has PEP!

Prepare students academically, socially, and emotionally by providing them with a safe, caring, and stimulating learning environment

Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

Promote creativity, a sense of community, and a love for learning.

Kindergarten Information Night
Wed. June 15 @ 6:30PM

School-Age Tuition Assistance Program

This new state program can help  you pay for care for your school -age child in need of child care as a result of COVID-19 remote learning schools schedules.

Arleth Information

Health Screening Letter

Health Screening

Exclusions for Covid Symptoms

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures for Parents

Arrival & Dismissal Map

Visitor Procedures

PICK UP NOTICE  (Word Version)

Parents, this form must be sent in on any day that you are changing your child's usual dismissal routine. 
Click the underlined link above.

Parent Transportation Waiver
Please fill out if you wish to decline your
child's bussing.